Year of the Wood Snake. This symbolizes energy and transformation. It is associated with the Fire Element. The snake's ability to shed its skin symbolizes letting go of the old and embracing the new.
Marishiten-kai has transformed with energy this past year. The group has grown and embraced it’s new “skin”. The depth of skill and understanding of the students in the group has increased. We continue to travel to Japan to train with practitioners that are upholding Otake Risuke-sensei’s teaching with integrity.
We have stated before that one should do one's research into the character of the art and its actual physical execution if wanting to study in this tradition. One's teacher should exemplify as best possible, that character and execution.
Training in the spirit of a Koryu, (Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto-ryu specifically), one has to step back in time and understand that normal modern Western conventions do not apply. A student studies this art to learn, grow and be a part of a tradition with a rich and long-standing history. It's meant to enrich one's life by connecting with the past in a significant living manner in the present.
The commercialization of the art, unfortunately, persists. There are individuals out there treating it like a business and their potential students or current students like customers/clients. They participate in interviews that paint the art in a very far-fetched, unrealistic and fantastical manner with overtones of “new age” ideas that do not apply. They misrepresent themselves for the sake of their own ego.
This is far and away removed from the spirit of Koryu in general and Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto-ryu specifically. This is not some “new age” type self-development situation. Yes, a person does study this art to push themselves in a path but, it needs to be done in a very learned, realistic and practical way. This is certainly not for one’s own aggrandizement and pumping up of one’s ego.
Marishiten-kai, trains in Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto-ryu as taught and practiced by Otake Risuke-sensei. Otake-sensei was an exemplary Headmaster. He was the face of Katori Shinto-ryu for decades. We acknowledge and respect Soke and the Iisaza family as the actual family line of the tradition and of the area.